Early Day Motion – A Result

Well following my previous post about the EDM for Open Source Software in schools my MP has signed the Early Day Motion. I sent my email on the 28th January and he signed the motion on the 30th January so I like to think that my prompting him helped.

Actually if you look at the EDMs Andrew Mitchell has signed they are mostly in his area of interest (he’s spokesman for International Development) so it gives me a bit of satisfaction to think that he has signed the EDM for OSS in schools as a result of requests from his constituents (of whom I am one).

Power to the people. Freedom for Tooting!

One thought on “Early Day Motion – A Result

  1. Good to see democracy in action. I’m still rather chuffed that my long-serving MP has been de-selected by his constituency party, as I’ve never felt that he’s represented any of my interests.
    As you say, as this is an EDM which he’s not generally expressed an interest, it’s probably due to your persuasive efforts.

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